THE GREAT MUSEUMS – The Museum of St. Mark’s and the Medici Riccardi Palace

Museo di San Marco e Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
The Museum of St. Mark’s and the Medici Riccardi Palace
Museo di San Marco e Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
Museo di San Marco e Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
The Museum of St. Mark’s and the Medici Riccardi PalaceMAIN ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE TOUR
Palazzo Medici Riccardi


Beato Angelico

Cappella dei Magi

The museum occupies a wide area of the Dominican convent of St. Mark’s, designed by Michelozzo for Cosimo the Elder, which still preserves its pure 15th century lines. Beneath a single wide roof, the little cells still contain the frescoes by Beato Angelico, whose best altar-pieces are exhibited on the ground floor. The lovely Library was endowed with classical texts and used by the most remarkable intellectuals of the time. Domenico Ghirlandaio’s Last Supper can be admired in the Chapter Room.

The Medici Riccardi palace which was built towards the middle of the 15th century by Michelozzo  for Cosimo the Elder, was acquired by the Riccardi family in the 17th century. Its architecture is typical of private renaissance mansions. Benozzo Gozzoli’s famous frescoes are in the Magi Chapel – au authentic jewel.

The Ball-room, which was added by the Riccardi in the 17th century,  contains Luca Giordano’s spectacular frescoed ceiling – an unusual example of Baroque painting in Florence.

Agt Firenze proposes solutions targeted at various types of tourist, that require specific care, both as regards planning the contents of the itineraries, such as, for instance, school excursions, as well as regards disabled visitors. If you require this kind of itinerary, we suggest you contact us directly so as to let us know exactly what kind of provisions you require, so that we can jointly plan your Florentine experience in the most advantageous manner.

The Museum of St. Mark’s and the Medici Riccardi Palace

The Museum of St. Mark’s and the Medici Riccardi Palace
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